Dear Internet, It’s Just Business Class. Not Classism

Qatar Business Claass food


I can’t stop seeing comments online regarding business class travel. SPOILER ALERT: it’s not about classism anymore. Do you really think we book business class fares to act like we are better than you? It’s absolutely insane.


“Have some class man, wear a suit” – comments you’ll see on popular YouTuber TrekTrendy’s videos (great luxury travel videos btw). For those unaware, he wears a hoodie and normal clothes on some of the best flight experiences in the world. And that’s exactly what I wear.


Oh I forgot we are boarding the Titanic in 1912, let me carry around my fountain pen and vile of ink while I’m at it. Can’t wait to board my 14 hour flight….. women and child first please! It’s 2024, people are wearing lululemon, not top hats.


I wish it had another name other than “business class”. And honestly, I don’t feel better than anybody when I’m participating, I actually feel sad that everybody isn’t there with me. For the endless amount of people in the world with flight anxiety and are terrified to fly, business class would fix everything. Unfortunately, supply is limited, it’s expensive, and many don’t think it’s “worth it”. On the bright side, more and more people are learning about credit card points year after year. I have a guide here (soon).


I don’t think many of “haters” understand how much of a gamechanger it really is. Probably because in the USA the domestic first class is $1200, and it’s literally just a normal seat (I’m all set with that). When you’re talking about USA to another country, it’s an entirely different experience.


YOU CAN LAY IN A BED ON A PLANE. That’s it. Nothing else matters.


Many of the ELITE products even have a door….your own little cocoon, and in some places you can actually board directly from the lounge. It’s just an entirely different vibe than watching people act outrageous due to their anxiety, fear, or whatever it may be at the airport. Sure there’s plenty of people actually “on business” going to a meeting in Zurich, but for many, it’s just a peaceful escape.


The flight is part of the journey in my opinion. For the majority of business class products I’ve experienced, it’s depressing to land. That’s how good some of the experiences are


Imagine getting seated with 0 urgency, there is plenty of overhead space without having to worry. You receive your welcome drink of champagne or juice and browse the menu for the flight. The flight attendant comes over and shows you all the seat features and information of the journey. Followed by a hot towel, you wipe off your face and get relaxed.


After all these things, the plane is taking off without you even realizing it. You recline a bit and watch the newest Avengers movie. Soon, your food comes, your champagne is refilled, and you’re enjoying every second. Dessert comes next and you are feeling slightly buzzed so you make the “bed” and watch the other new Avengers movie while laying down. Dozing in and out is encouraged.


You wake up and check the in flight map, you’re only 90 mins away. You’re furious so you brush your teeth, grab an espresso, and put the bed back to seat mode. The experience has came to an end. You got to the same exact place as the people behind you, but had a completely different 14 hours.


We do it for US, not YOU. If you are looking to impress people, just do what everyone else does.  “Accidentally” have your Louis Vuitton wallet in frame while taking a picture of your Starbucks in front of your steering wheel. 


Dressing up to sit in a magic tube that’s 37,000 feet in the air is crazy, I’ll stick with my sweatpants.



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